
MLSoC Participation and Awards at the CII Conference in Orlando

Drs. de la Garza and Taylor, award recipients at the recent Construction Industry Institute (CII) Annual conference held in Orlando July 29-31.

Dr. de la Garza was the ninth recipient of the Richard L. Tucker Leadership and Service Award. His participation on CII research teams and activities for nearly three decades made him a model of service both to CII and the Industry. In addition to this esteemed honor, Dr. de la Garza also was awarded as Outstanding CII Instructor for 2013 in recognition for his contributions to engineering, to teaching and to the industry. Read more about MLSoC Participation and Awards at the CII Conference in Orlando

Tyler Shawcross Service Leadership Award Established

Tyler Shawcross takes Virginia Tech's motto, "Ut Prosim" (That I may serve) to a whole new level.

A recent Construction Engineering & Management (CEM) graduate, Tyler Shawcross takes Virginia Tech's motto, "Ut Prosim" (That I may serve) to a whole new level. To merely say that Tyler was an active volunteer with the local Habitat for Humanity chapter would be a tremendous understatement. Read more about Tyler Shawcross Service Leadership Award Established

Congratulations to Dr. Andrew McCoy - CIDER Teacher of the Week!

Dr. McCoy has been selected as one of the CIDER Teachers of the Week

Dr. McCoy has been selected as one of the Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research's (CIDER) Teachers of the Week and will be recognized the week of May 13th on University websites. CIDER's Teacher of the Week program recognizes effective, engaged, and dynamic teachers who implement a learner-centered pedagogy. Read more about Congratulations to Dr. Andrew McCoy - CIDER Teacher of the Week!

John E. Taylor receives 2013 - XCaliber Award

John E. Taylor received the university's 2013 XCaliber Award for excellence as an individual involved in teaching with technology for his CyberGRID, a virtual learning environment.

Professor John E. Taylor was awarded the university's 2013 XCaliber Award for his  "excellence as an individual involved in teaching with technology."  
Taylor is an associate professor with the Vecellio Construction Engineering and Management Program at the College of Engineering and Principal faculty at the Myers-Lawson School of Construction. Read more about John E. Taylor receives 2013 - XCaliber Award
