Our Director's Message

Welcome to the Myers-Lawson School of Construction (MLSoC)!

Our mission is to be the constant beacon for innovation and excellence for the construction industry, and the educational community, for construction education, research, values-based leadership, and to serve local and global communities.  

The MLSoC is only one of three Schools of Construction in the US that offers both an engineering and a non-engineering construction management degree under one roof.  However, we are unique in that we formally operate simultaneously within two Colleges, and are connected to a third.   Our students regularly describe their interdisciplinary and inclusive School as "family" and Bishop-Favrao Hall, "home".   Our family is growing to meet the Industry's demand, and our home will double in size as Hitt Hall is constructed.

In addition to the two undergraduate degrees mentioned, the Vecellio graduate program in Civil and Environmental Engineering offers graduate concentrations in construction engineering and management.  Our Building Construction department offers graduate degrees in construction as well.  The Real Estate Program is a joint program with the MLSoC, so there are many majors and minors from which to select.  

Our discovery focus and research-to-practice can be categorized broadly as encompassing three areas:  Smart Design and Construction, Human-Centered Issues, and Infrastructure and Project Management.  Faculty have many Centers and Labs focused on transformation of the Built Environment.  

In the School, we take the University's service motto, Ut Prosim, seriously.  Our students and faculty regularly engage locally, regionally, and internationally.  Part of what makes MLSoC a special place is our interconnected industry partnerships.  From our active Industry Advisory Board, to co-ops, internships, career fairs, mentoring program, etc., Industry is there by our side to produce their next generation of entrepreneurial leaders, and to create the safest, most diverse, smartest Industry in the World.  Consider joining our family.  We would love to have you!


Brian M. Kleiner, Ph.D.
Director, Myers-Lawson School of Construction

Dr. Brian Kleiner