The Industry Board's mission is to support the MLSoC in setting, establishing and retaining its identity, establishing vision, identifying aspirations, goals, and objectives while working with the Dept. of Building Construction (BC) and the Vecellio Construction and Engineering Management Program (VCEMP) to help them set their individual direction and achieve their identity, objectives, and goals.
The Industry Board works in areas that relate to the MLSoC role within the university, the colleges of Engineering (COE) and Architecture, Arts and Design (AAD), and the construction community.
Ad hoc groups of the Industry Board help guide and assist in these endeavors. Industry Board Subcommittees are active committees of the board with MLSoC faculty and staff representation. The subcommittees have measurable objectives for leadership and participation in the board's strategy. The Advisory Committee is made up of the leadership of the sub-committees. The advisory committee advises and takes the lead in setting, and establishing identity, establishing vision, identifying aspirations, goals, and objectives of the Myers Lawson School of Construction.
Emeritus Board members are non-performing, non-voting members of the board that can serve on a subcommittee and can vote as a committee member.