Coming from I-81 you will travel on US-460, then please take the Downtown Exit. The Myers-Lawson School of Construction is located in Bishop-Favrao Hall. The street address of this building is
1345 Perry Street, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Where to Park
Visitors may park in any Faculty, Staff, Visitor, or Student (R/C/G) parking space with a valid visitor parking permit and if the space is not restricted by signs. Some restricted areas include handicap spaces, carpool spaces, loading zones, service vehicle zones, metered areas, sidewalks, grass, etc. Parking in the North End Center Garage requires payment of the daily fee.
Visitors are recommended to use the Faculty/Staff section of Perry Street Lot, Derring Lot, or the P2 Parking Garage (off Perry Street).
Metered parking spaces are also available for short–term visitors on–campus. Visitors with parking permits may not park free at parking meters.