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Building Construction Student and Entrepreneur Tahjere Lewis

Aunt Carol’s Sauce 3-Pack Combo

In February 2020, Building Construction student Tahjere Lewis founded his business, Aunt Carol's Sauce, a specialty of his late maternal great aunt, Carol Ann Morgan Scott, who died from breast cancer in 2018. Tahjere is an accomplished track-and-field athlete, entrepreneur, and disciplined student. Read more about Building Construction Student and Entrepreneur Tahjere Lewis

Answering the call for affordable housing

Through two vanguard public-private partnerships, Virginia Tech faculty and students in the Myers-Lawson School of Construction(MLSOC) are pursuing low-cost, high-tech, and data-driven approaches to making home ownership more attainable. Philip Agee, Andrew McCoy, and Kereshmeh Afsari are leading a project that aims to design and produce a 3D-printed single-family concrete home in the greater R Read more about Answering the call for affordable housing
