News Archive

A. Ross Myers Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award at Drexel University

John Donnelly presenting award to A. Ross Myers. Mr Donnelly is the CEO of the L.F. Driscoll Company, LLC, a construction mangement company and one of the largest general contracting firms in the Philadelphia region.  He is a 1972 civil engineering graduate of Drexel University.

Congratulations to Ross Myers upon the receipt of the Drexel Construction Management Advisory Council Lifetime Achievement Award for his significant accomplishments and impact on the construction community. Mr. Myers, a giant in the construction industry and a man well deserving of this honor accepted the award on Wednesday, April 10 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Read more about A. Ross Myers Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award at Drexel University

1st MLSoC Webinar

Early detection of actual or potential performance deviations in field construction activities is critical to project management as it provides an opportunity to initiate proactive actions to avoid them or minimize their impacts. Read more about 1st MLSoC Webinar

About Me

I am pursuing a master's degree in Construction Management as a means to fulfilling my goal of a career in sustainable development. Whether it be through a role as project manager for a construction firm or a consultant with a real estate development company, I intend to translate my desire for a more sustainable future into a rewarding professional occupation. Read more about About Me
