MLSoC Participation and Awards at the CII Conference in Orlando

Congratulations to Drs. de la Garza and Taylor, award recipients at the recent Construction Industry Institute (CII) Annual conference held in Orlando July 29-31. 

Dr. de la Garza was the ninth recipient of the Richard L. Tucker Leadership and Service Award.  His participation on CII research teams and activities for nearly three decades made him a model of service both to CII and the Industry.   In addition to this esteemed honor, Dr. de la Garza also was awarded as Outstanding CII Instructor for 2013 in recognition for his contributions to engineering, to teaching and to the industry.

Dr. John E. Taylor was recognized for his outstanding academic performance and commitment to integrating CII research into his courses, and was awarded with a CII Distinguished Professor Award.   In his Global Virtual Design and Construction course, students explore the impact of alignment and team building, as well as other CII Best practices on global project execution.

The MYERS-LAWSON SCHOOL of construction was well represented not only as award recipients but also as board members (Blake Peck), graduate students, Ao Chen, Josh Zikle, and research team members.

As a PI and member of Research Team 294, Dr. Jesus (Chema) de la Garza, Vecellio Professor and MLSoC faculty, served as a panelist during the Deploying Best Practices in Unfamiliar Countries presentation.  Dr. Taylor also served as a co-PI and panelist of Research Team 294.

Dr.  Brian Kleiner, Director of the MLSoC, served as co-PI with Matt Hallowell of U of Colorado and was panelist of Research Team 293, Strategies for HSE Hazard Recognition, and served as a panelist during conference implementation sessions.