MLSoC Traveled to Reno for ASC Competition

On Tuesday February 5th, the Myers-Lawson School of Construction sent student teams to Reno, Nevada for the 32nd Annual ASC Student Competition and Construction Management Conference. Throughout the week they competed against other student teams in problem categories such as Heavy Civil, Commercial, Mixed Use and Design Build. Results were posted on Saturday February 9th. 

11 Fast Facts about the ASC Student Competition:

1. 53 participating universities

2. 21 different states will be represented

3. 197 total student teams competing

4. 1190 students on competing teams

5. 281 alternates

6. 1471 total student attendees

7. 158 faculty attendees

8. 110 companies participating in the job fair

9. 42 industry general attendance companies

10. 1250 industry attendees

11. 3020 individuals registered