Student team brings home two awards in national Race to Zero Student Design Competition

The Student competition team, Team "Invent the Future ", has won two excellence awards over the weekend in the Department of Energy Race to Zero Student Design Competition. They competed against more than 40 teams and were awarded both the Excellence in Analysis and Excellence in Systems Integration Awards.

The Race to Zero is an annual competition, open to students and faculty from any interested collegiate institution. The competition is based upon a real-world scenario where a builder needs to update an existing product line (house plan) to a high-performance house design or is developing a new high-performance home product line. The mandatory performance target is the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home specification.

The team consisted of students from the Myers-Lawson School of Construction, CAUS, and SPIA:
Greg Pollinger
Marcelo de Almeida Leitao
Reid Miner
Sarah Scott
Susan Maddox
Teni Ladipo

The team was also advised by co-faculty advisor Will Manion, who is a Ph.D. student, but retains his faculty status at the University of Maine.

The group selected Teni Ladipo & Greg Pollinger to represent them at the competition in Golden, Colorado. Faculty advisor, Georg Reichard accompanied them.

Congratulations to the team! 

Click HERE for the full story.