Congratulations Denise Simmons upon receipt of the NSF CAREER Award!

Denise R. Simmons, a principal faculty member and assistant professor in the Myers-Lawson School of Construction at Virginia Tech, is the recipient of a prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Development Award to learn more about the influence of various factors in the choices undergraduate engineering students make regarding their co-curricular involvement, ultimately leading to their entry into the work force.

Simmons' goal is to become a global leader in research that broadens the participation of students completing engineering degrees, ultimately increasing the numbers entering the technological workforce.

"I would like to accomplish this increase in the number of engineering degrees awarded by shaping practices and policies in retention, informal learning, pedagogy, professional competency, workforce development, and life-long learning," Simmons said.

To find out more about Simmon's acheivements and goals click HERE for the full story.