Congratulations Dr. Kleiner!

Brian M. Kleiner, director of the Myers-Lawson School of Construction and professor of industrial and systems engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, has been named the Ralph H. Bogle Jr. Professor in Industrial and Systems Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.

The Ralph H. Bogle Jr. Professorship in Industrial and Systems Engineering was established by the estate of Ralph H. Bogle Jr., who earned his bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Virginia Tech in 1942, and from other gifts contributed by alumni and corporations to recognize excellence in teaching and scholarship. Recipients hold the professorship for a period of five years. 

As director of the Myers-Lawson School of Construction, Kleiner oversees one of the newest schools at Virginia Tech, which is a joint venture between the College of Architecture and Urban Studies and the College of Engineering. This partnership offers a comprehensive platform for innovation and excellence in construction education, research, and outreach.

Join us in congratulating him!

Click HERE to read the ful story.