Spring 2018 Hard-Hatting Ceremony

The Myers-Lawson School of Construction held their semi-annual Hard-Hatting Ceremony on Friday, May 11, 2018. The ceremony recognizes graduating undergraduates in Building Construction, Construction Engineering and Management, Masters and Doctoral graduates in Building Construction as well as The Vecellio Construction and Engineering and Management Program. 

The importance of the Hard-Hatting Ceremony is to allow all construction graduates to be recognized together. At Virginia Tech, Construction Engineering and Management students graduate with the College of Engineering whereas Building Construction students graduate with the College of Architecture and Urban Studies. These students have been taking courses together for the past four or more years. They have also worked together in activities such as the capstones, Associated Schools of Construction Competition and through service learning trips. They have collectively been a part of student groups such as Building Women in Construction, Constructors Consortium, Construction Management Association and many more.

Over 80 construction undergraduate and graduate students were recognized at the hard-hatting ceremony. These new graduates were encouraged to become active young alumni and go out and do outstanding things with their new degrees. Click below if you wish to check out more about our outstanding graduates.

