Chris Lomaka- one of VT's quadruplets

Chris Lomaka, one of Virginia Tech's quadruplets, balances his college experience with academics and athletics

Chris, a Myers-Lawson School of Construction student, majoring in building construction and real estate;  Greg is a statistics and economics major in the College of ScienceSteve, an accounting and information systems major in the Pamplin College of BusinessandKate, a human nutrition, foods, and exercise major in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences;  – are creating their own unique paths at the university, while still enjoying that their siblings aren’t far away.

 Lomaka quadruplets: The Lomaka quadruplets (Left to right: Greg, Chris, Kate, and Steve) tailgated and attended most of the Virginia Tech home football games together their first year of school. This picture was taken before the Austin Peay game on Sept. 8, 2012.

“We all have our own friends, but we text each other all of the time. We go to church together every Sunday,” said Chris Lomaka. The brothers get together regularly to play basketball.

Athletics has been one way Lomaka has found his own outlet at the university. 

“My biggest passion has been with sports – I’m a huge sports nerd. I played football through high school and I’ve always wanted to stay involved with sports.”

While he was not able to play at the collegiate level, Lomaka has taken on several responsibilities that keep him in the game. He serves as the undergraduate representative to the university athletics committee and works as a student intern with the strength and conditioning program for Virginia Tech student-athletes.

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