CEM Student finds fun and career path over summer!

Alek Leckszas, Myers-Lawson school of construction, Construction Engineering and Management student,  can't recall when he first became interested in sustainability, but an internship with a California-based electrical contracting company's renewable energy division this past summer helped the Virginia Tech senior hone his passion.

Leckszas decided to pursue engineering in his junior year of high school. "I was on the robotics team and worked with a lot of students who all went to VT afterwards," he said. "I enjoyed science, physics and math and figured the best thing to do was to go into engineering."He considered architecture, but didn't enjoy "designing all day," he said. "I enjoy more being outdoors and working with engineering." VT is the only college to which he applied because of the lower in-state tuition, close proximity to his two homes and its reputation as the best engineering school in the state.

During a faculty/student lunch in his freshman year, Leckszas met Dr. Christine Fiori, who inspired him to join the CEM program and became a tremendous influence as his advisor and teacher.

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