Principal Faculty Members Present at the 2014 Deans’ Forum on Global Engagement

The 2014 Deans' Forum on Global Engagement, the 5th in a series of Deans' forums, is hosted by the College of Engineering and is viewed as an important opportunity to help raise the visibility of the great work across the university related to Global Engagement.

Three Myers-Lawson School of Construction Principal Faculty Members participated by presenting their work in break-out sessions.

Dr. Brian Kleiner presented "A 'Whole Industry' Approach to Construction Safety through International Collaboration and Benchmarking." Drs. John Taylor and Josh Iorio presented "Supporting the Globalization of Architecture, Engineering and Construction through tools for Virtualization".

The school and the industry were represented well at this renowned event. 

 Dr. Rita Zhang, RMIT University, AUSTRALIA (r) and Payam Pirzadeh (l) RMIT PhD student, collaborators on Dr Kleiner's (c) 5 yr, 1million dollar NIOSH funded research project attending the Deans' Forum.