Congratulations to Dr. Brian Kleiner upon the receipt of the “Patriot Award”

Dr. Kleiner along with Professor John Roberston of Virginia Tech, and Professors Chris Barrett, Bryan Lewis, and Stephen Eubank of Virginia Bioinformatics Institute were honored with a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of First Lieutenant (Promotable) Jose M. Jimenez.  The ceremony was held on Tuesday 23rd, at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute Conference Center.

First Lieutenant, Jose M. Jimenez, in his pursuit of his goal of becoming an officer recognizes those that have helped him along the way, by nominating the recipients of this award.

The award is given by the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), a department of defense operational committee.    The Patriot Award reflects the efforts made to support Citizen Warriors through a wide-range of measures.   Dr. Kleiner provided Jimenez support in an advisory capacity.  Jimenez said, "I have received unwavering support from all my supervisors and professors.  It is very difficult to balance a civilian job, two degrees at one of the nation's top universities, and my responsibilities as an Army Officer.  I am very grateful for their support and I hope that this type of activity encourages other departments and companies in the area to hire fellow service men and women."

Join us in congratulating Dr. Kleiner!

To learn more about First Lieutenant Jimenez' amazing drive to attend West Point, become a U.S. Citizen and eventually and officer click here.